Monday, April 12, 2010


I just wanted to say that through all of this, the nurses here at Swedish have been wonderful (we have Jen today and we had Paul Friday, Saturday and Sunday). They are always up for answering our questions and rather than just give us a short answer, they will explain why things are the way they are. They never seem to be annoyed or anything.

Another thing about the nurses here...they pretty much run the show. The doctors come in and do rounds in the morning and that's about it. The nurses are the ones that are changing the doses and making decisions on what will bring down temps, pressure, etc. I had no clue that so much is in the hands of them. They also are never out of his room for more than 3-5 minutes. They are constantly checking him. Whether it's suctioning his mouth, moving him so he doesn't get sore, tweeking his sedatives, whatever it is, they are doing it. They are amazing....THANK YOU NURSES!!!!!!!!



  1. That is quite an amazing amount of care... I am so glad for help like that. Hope your poker game went well!

  2. Gotta LOVE those Nurses...I prefer the Male ones tho' (my mother had the best)! They All have so much genuine love for their patients & the families...feel's so good they are highly trained & experienced!!! I'm sure that Scott has the BEST! THANKS To The Dedicated Nurses!

  3. The best nurses, the best care, the best chance of full recovery. My few experiences with hospital stays revealed the same, good nurses make everything better.
    ... and soon he'll be better. Keep up the fight Scott... sounds like you are.

  4. I too am very grateful the wonderful nurses taking care of Scott. They are truly helpful and caring.

  5. Betsy--you are SO correct about Nurses making your hospital stay what it is. Doctors "bless" you with their presence for about 10 minutes (or less) a day when you're in the hospital. They don't even have to tell what time they'll be there. Basically they show up whenever they want, and you'd better be there. I wish I could run my business that way! Anyhow, for any Nurses reading this, thank you for what you do, and thank you for giving my friend and his family such great medical care. - Jason Smith

  6. On that note I'd like to share I had the most wonerful (as possible given this situation) experience this morning. We know that the sugrical team starts quick rouns at 6:30am, that the nurses have shift change between 7-7:30am, and the medical team starts rounds at 8:30am. As family we can choose to be here and listen if we want and at the end they always turn & ask if we have any questions. It is an amazing processes to see the nurses interact & the doctors respond. I have to say that we have had as positive an experience with the doctors as nurses. Yes they spend MUCH LESS time with the patient then the nurse, but they know Scott & his conition 100% anytime of the day that they are called to give direction!
    But praise to Every Nurse that has walked in this room they all treat each of us as family!
    Diane Cruickshank :)
