Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 5 Evening Update

My last post from this morning talked about how he's got some fluid in his lungs. That has started to be a little more of a concern. They may go in tomorrow and do what's called a bronchoscope. This is where they will heavily sedate him and go down with a scope and clear some of that fluid out. They'll determine that after his chest x-ray in the morning. As of right now, he does not have a CT scan scheduled for tomorrow since they don't think it will show any significant changes. I think now they'll start doing them every other day. His temperature is still 102 right now. The nurse (Heather) just put his cooling blanket on him to try and get that back down. As we keep being told, it's really just one day at a time and it will be a long road.

Right now, it's about keeping him calm, stable and letting the brain heal. There will be times of the day when his oxygen level drops, where he will start having small tremors, where his ICP (inter-crainal pressure) will go up, where his BP goes up. Everything is changing all the time and it really is a true waiting game.

They are going to probably just bath his front tonight so they don't have to move him too much. I'm going to call it a night and be up and ready for the neuro-surgeon's rounds in the morning.



  1. Diane, Betsy, Tara, kids, everybody, Just wanted you to know our love and prayers are with you. Anything we can help with, anything, have someone let us know.

    love you all,

    Gary, Val & kids.

  2. Good morning! Just trying to check up on you guys. What can we do for all of you who are spending so much time in limbo? Can we bring you anything? It's hard to hear what a difficult time you are facing. Please know that you and Scott are in all of our hearts and minds...I know how endless the hours can seem in the hospital. Please let us help you in any possble way. We love you all, and my tears and prayers are for you all. Love, Deb

  3. Hey Betsy, you made it through another night, with each day brings more confidence about recovery and giving you the ability to relax some? Certainly hope so.
    Not enough to worry about, add a lung issue to the problem, then top it with a fever. You truly are on a rollercoaster ride, aren't you!
    Glenn did check on PKD carrier issue, sent you some results on your personal email, but my take on it is very favorable to you Betsy. PKD, this is such a nasty disease and so few people are aware of it, we all need to work together to help find a cure.
    I know all of you must be exhausted, but hopefully all friends, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grammas and grandpas are stepping up to the plate, offering to take a turn to sit with Scott, but also to watch the children, take them to the park and help with your daily chores, so you can be with Scott.
    Heck, something so simple as sweeping a floor, washing and folding clothes or emptying the dishwasher for you girls would be grand, just sorry I live so far away, instead all I can do, is throw out suggestions.

    Tara, Diane and Betsy, your in our thoughts, wish we were there to give you a hug,... I don't know if your need one, but it would make me feel better.
    love Michelle and Glenn

  4. Can always use a hug Michelle and thanks for the phone call and phone hug and words of encouragement. Love you guys..Tara
