Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 30 by Diane

I thought I'd give a little update of what's life is like on "the floor."

It's rather laid back. We spend a lot of time together lol cuz neither of us really leave this room. I found it's much harder for me to leave knowing he may wake up when I'm gone, then it was to leave in the Neuro ICU. Just so you know it's not a big deal, I really like being here for Scott and if he's not a wake I sleep, read or watch TV. It's actually nice to have down time.
Like Besty has said there's not a lot to report these days. We're kind of in a holding pattern waiting for the flap to get here. It really is funny how exciting trying new foods is for me. I say this because Scott makes fun of me every time I want to order him something. When he chooses and it comes I get really excited. Come on Honey you haven't been able to eat in 3 weeks I need you to taste again!
Sad day in that the speech therapist didn't make in today. He didn't get to try chewing food. But Scott has had a little more discomfort today in his body. He's been in bed for weeks! Can you imagine the body aches you'd have. We stretch him out a bit and it helps but he wasn't really in the mood for food today. (he still gets a solid diet of fiber and protien through his feeding tube) BUT I will say this, tomorrow we're having a little Birthday celebration and I will be sneaking him cake! Come on if you mush it all together it's right there with he's puree diet!
BTW he turns 33 on Sunday!

Lots of love and gratitude for all those following our now very chill days in the hospital of waiting for a prosthetic flap to come.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 29 Update

Can any of us really believe it was 4 weeks ago tonight that Scott arrived at Swedish? I know I sure can't. Scott gets to try 'chewable' solids tomorrow and he has been tolerating sitting up more to eat. About a week ago he couldn't be elevated to more than 20%, now he's been at about 40%. The doctors believe that once the flap goes back on, he'll do much better with elevation. Speaking of the flap, it was ordered at the beginning of last week and takes about 3 weeks to get in. I'm not sure what the time frame is after it gets here. Not sure if it will already fit or if they have to measure him still and then fit it. These are questions I'll try and find the answer to. We have been reassured that placing the flap is a realitively routine procedure and the doctors have tried to reassure Scott as well. He's been getting anxious about another surgery but the nurses and doctors have all told him this is minor compared to what he's been through. Hopefully he'll have the flap back on in the next week. The sooner the better.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 28 Update

Personally, today has got the be the best day for Scott. I say that personally because even though I didn't see him or talk to him, I know he got to experience one of my all time favorite things in this world. You're wondering, 'What could it be'? Well, from my experience, this favorite thing in the whole world always makes me happy and yes, sometimes, hum....
I know, I know. 'Enough already,' you say, 'Just tell us what this wonderful thing was'!

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 27 Update

Scott passed his swallow test!!! YAY!! He can officially eat applesauce, pudding, custard, yogurt....yumm!!!! Bring on the Jamba Juice!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 26 Update

Did I really not do a post yesterday? Yup. When I said no news is good news, I meant it. Things are pretty much the same as they were on Saturday. He was a little more sleepy yesterday, but we think it's because he was so awake on Saturday and because of the whole catheter issue. In and and and guy.

They did order his new flap last week and we think it should be here next week. As to when it will go on, we're not sure.

I will continue to post things as I know them and I'm sure once we have a date on when the flap will go on, I'll have much more to post. Unfortunately and obviously, he'll have to go under general ansthesia again, have his incision opened up and yes, a catheter again. I'm sorry Booger! Hang in're doing great!!!
