Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 26 Update

Did I really not do a post yesterday? Yup. When I said no news is good news, I meant it. Things are pretty much the same as they were on Saturday. He was a little more sleepy yesterday, but we think it's because he was so awake on Saturday and because of the whole catheter issue. In and and and guy.

They did order his new flap last week and we think it should be here next week. As to when it will go on, we're not sure.

I will continue to post things as I know them and I'm sure once we have a date on when the flap will go on, I'll have much more to post. Unfortunately and obviously, he'll have to go under general ansthesia again, have his incision opened up and yes, a catheter again. I'm sorry Booger! Hang in're doing great!!!



  1. First... Thank you Betsy for keeping us all informed. We would all be lost without you.
    Second... Way to recover Scott! We are loving the progress you are making. : ) Keep up the great work. Did you ever get your Jamba Juice???

  2. Betsy, wasn't it nice that Scott is doing so well, that you could actully forget about blogging for the day and just live in the moment.
    I'm so happy for your family.
