Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Strep throat alert!

So, I have some news about me tonight. I know, this blog is about Scott's recovery, not me...but I just found out I have strep throat. First time in my life and my throat has hurt 10 times more before and I never had it. I normally wouldn't have even gone to the doctor but was told by both my loving husband and mom that I should probably go have it checked out, just in case. Yup, it was postivie. Think stress is getting to me?

If you've been around me lately and start to get a sore throat, please go get it checked out. I'm contagious until I've been on antibiotics for over 24 hours, so my plan to see Booger tomorrow is out.

Not that I need to remind anyone, but if you have flu, cold, or sore throat symptoms, let's stay away from Booger so he doesn't end up with just one more thing.


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