Monday, April 19, 2010

Q & A Time

We are going to have a meeting on Friday with some of the main people helping with Scott. A doctor, nurse(s), care management, etc. will all be there. This is a chance for some of us to sit down and talk about what the plan of action is for Scott. We are probably going to go in there with many questions and I thought I would open this post up to all of you to ask questions you may have regarding what's happened to Scott and what the future holds (as much as we can know at this point). Please feel free to post as many comments as you want, ask questions you have and if I don't know them, I will either find out that day or ask at the meeting we're going to have. This is a very confusing time for all of us and there is so much we just don't know. Hopefully we'll be better educated after this to be able to explain to Scott what he's been going through. If we think we're confused, just imagine what he's going to be feeling....poor guy. As always, our energy is on him and making sure he's not scared or confused when he is more aware of his situation. We love you Booger and can't wait for you to truly be with us again.



  1. I'd imagine all the questions I could come up with you all already have... and then some! The two big overarching questions I'd even have would be: What caused the bleed to begin with (directly or indirectly), and what is the future prognosis and ongoing care? I assume these are unanswerable at this point and hing on his recovering more, right?

    I simply just want to know if my friend is going to be ok and lead as "normal" a life as possible.
    Oh, and will he be able to return to his current line of work? Because, hey, my truck needs some body work I'd only trust him to do... :)

    Thank you again for the continued updates Betsy and Diane. This blog was a great idea and I check it every free moment I can.


  2. That's "hinge" not "hing" by the way...

  3. I think Jake pretty much said what I was thinking. I really just want to know the same things you guys do. Thanks you so much for doing this blog it has been so helpful for us I hope it has helped you guys somehow too. Everyone I have spoke to checks this many times through out the day, to me that just shows all the love and support being sent Scott's way and that much caring can do amazing things.
    Keep fighting Booger!

  4. Thank you for the continual updates which I am sure are hard some days. You are all continually in our prayers. We will be praying for a more speedy recovery so that your meeting on Friday will be filled with hope and healing and all the support staff will have to rethink their prognosis. We are so thankful for all of you and for the many countless hours you are giving in service because of your love for Scott and for each other. You have been truly an example for all of us. We truly love all of you.

  5. Q @ A time for doctors huh,... well please ask when they allowed his blood presure to increase, did this do noticeable damage to his kidneys?
    PKD/high blood pressure,... how will meds affect this new brain issue?
    What or how will this manifest itself in the future?
    If not preventable, could they at least discribe what the warning signs to look for?
    Are CT scans be pretty much a standard thing from now on and how often will they be neccesary to begin with?
    A big one for me, is how did the bone flap get contaminated! And what materials will the new plate be made of?
    Thinking that Glenn will have more questions that relate to PKD for Scott's future knowledge later this evening.
    Girl, your little fingers must be getting tired of all this typing.

  6. Oh..aunt Michelle..I LOVE your questions! This is exactly why I wanted to open this post up to this. There are definite things I wouldn't have thought to ask and I really appreciate it. You guys are my personal experts on PKD, so what ever you can bring..bring it. I will ask away and it will be nice to have these answers to both you guys and us.

    As for my fingers, they are doing just fine. I've always liked's a sickness, I know. LOL.

  7. Yes- My question is, how did Scott get his nick-name Booger?? Was it a childhood fascination or a hobby?? I also am expecting Scott to be back on his feet in the near future for him to help me with a car ( need to buy a hobby car first)!!!

    Our Prayers are with your whole family-- Keep up the great work Betsy!!


  8. Ah...the nickname. Someone finally asked. Well, that would be my dad's doing. He called him booger or boogman. I still remember him coming down the stairs at our house in Cashmere, with a grin on his face, calling for Booger. Then when Booger brought home another Scott back in middle school, we had a problem. Two Scotts. So, naturally, one had to become Snotty (we won't go into that too much). Then Booger really caught on. He even had it painted on his race car helmet years ago. I guess it just kindof stuck (pun intended!).

  9. It's funny Chuck because I don't even think about it anymore. Don't even think of what the word actually means when I call him that. In fact, I have to force myself to call him Scott. I don't know how many times I've typed on this blog and written Booger, only to have to go back and correct. I guess I missed a few every now and then. If anyone is wondering, Snotty hasn't really been called Snotty since I kindof started thinking of him beyond the word Snotty, too many years ago. ;)

  10. My question is concerning all the CT's and MRI's...I realize how critical they are right now, however it makes me wonder with him having them so frequently if the radiation will have any longterm ill effects on him.
    Betsy and Diane, you are two strong women. I know this isn't easy for you guys, and I admire you for being so diligent in keeping everyone up to date. Also, I want to let you know I have been sending up some extra prayers and some ESP hugs for the kiddos. I can't imagine how confused and scared they must be. Lots of love to you all. Prayers are continuing.

  11. Val, thanks for the question about radiation. I will ask that today. :)
