Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 43 Update

Scott was moved from the ICU to his old room late this morning. He had a pretty good night thanks to some pain meds. He's having some pain in his jaw because they actually had to tighten his jaw muscles. After his flap came out, those muscles became looser and looser, so they have to tighten them back up. He said that his jaw muscle (up by his temple) is painful and also his head. He's swollen on the right side of his head, which is to be expected after all they did in there.

Despite the pain he was having last night and while I was there today, he seemed to be in pretty good spirits. I think there's quite a bit of relief to know that he's put back together again.

Diane said that he was able to sign his name on the surgery permission slip...this is great! His fine motor skills are really good. He was able to drink and eat soft foods today also.

The physical therapy specialists came into his room this morning, ready to get going, and he wasn't up for it because of his pain. I was surprised they wanted to get him up and moving so fast. Obviously, they know that the sooner he does physical therapy and the more he does it, the better and faster he will heal. I'm looking forward to seeing him use his walker since I haven't seen that yet. I keep teasing him about getting a couple tennis balls for it. I really should get a horn and an orange flag too! Ha! Since he wasn't using it today, my 15 month old son, Henry, had a wonderful time with it. :)



  1. It's good to hear that things are going well. I hope he continues to progress quickly. So, did they ever figure out what caused the brain hemorrhage to begin with? It's amazing to think what Scott's been through - thanks to all the medical technology that's around! Again, I hope he has a speedy recovery!!

  2. Oh I am so happy that everything is so positive! You are all so wonderful! All of you are still in our prayers everyday! Betsy you are so funny I think you are a kick in the pants!!! :)~Kristi
