Friday, April 9, 2010


Hi. My name is Betsy and I'm Scott's sister. You're most likely reading this because you have heard of what happened to him. I've started this blog to try and keep all his family and friends (all of you) updated on how he is doing. Please feel free to leave comments and even ask questions if you want. I would love for him to be able to read this as he gets better and know how much love is out there for him. It will also be a wonderful way of journaling what happens, so he can know for the future. As we learn things, I will try and keep this updated so that Diane doesn't feel so overwhelmed with trying to let everyone know these things. Here's a run-down of what happened and what we know....

First a little background. Scott (or Booger to many of us - in case I forget and use his other name) has Polycystic Kidney Disease. This is a disease that runs in our family. You can read more about it at

Scott was at home on Thursday (4/8) evening and suddenly got a horrible headache in the back of his head. He then got numbness in his left arm. Diane was at work, so my mom drove him and the kids to the ER in Wenathchee. They did a CT scan on his brain and noticed some bleeding in his brain. At this point, they 'thought' it was a ruptured brain aneurysm (more on that later). They told him he needed to come over to Seattle to have it looked at and off him and Diane went in the ambulance (we heard the weather was too bad to try flying). They gave him many pain meds, anti-nausea meds, and other things to help him along the way. He arrived at Swedish Cherry Hill around 11 last night. Scott (the other husband and one of Booger's best friends...let's just call him Farmer from now on) and I were here waiting. Diane's family...Carlene, Tempie, Suzanne, Christina and Christopher were here as well. My mom and Scott's kids were on their way over the pass from Wenatchee. When they pulled him out of the ambulance, he was pretty drugged up and out of it. He was awake and recognized me, even cracked a couple jokes. They took him up to his room in the Neuro ICU and started hooking him up and getting him stabilized.

After he was stable (as stable as you can get), they did another CT scan. This one showed that the bleeding had gotten worse. The neurosurgeon said that if he got groggier or if his neurological signs got worse, then they would go in and relieve the pressure on his brain. If he stayed about the same, then they would do another scan at 4 am. I think they were trying to get him through the night so they could do an angiogram in the morning, so they could see more as to what was going on. I have to say that through all this, he's been keeping up his sense of humor (when he's is awake). The nurse gave him a pill to help stabilize his blood pressure. She told him it had a gross minty taste, right? And he said, 'It's tastes like
a@%!'. At around 4, he was harder and harder to wake up. His pupils were not equal size (I believe), and the neurosurgeon was getting worried. After his CT scan at 4 am, they said the bleeding was getting much worse and that they needed to get him to the O.R. They prepped him and told us that they were doing a very fast angiogram (just to see the right side of his brain) and then take him directly to the operating room.

So, as you can imagine, all our nerves were pretty much fried by now. We didn't know what to expect and the doctors said they didn't know what they would find either. Couldn't say for sure if he had an aneurysm or not. The dye from the angiogram couldn't go through blood clots, so they weren't sure if there was an aneurysm under there. They were/are concerned what is causing the bleeding.

After about 4 hours, we got news that he was on his way upstairs and that the doctor would give us an update once he was stable. This is a summary of what I can remember him saying to all of us:

They went in and removed part of his skull. Took out the clot, drained the blood and stopped the bleeding. They did not find an aneurysm. The attending Dr. said it was a brain hemorrhage but don't know what is causing it. They said they didn't want to do too much in there...the main point was to get the bleeding stopped so no further damage happened. They freeze-dried the part of the skull so that they can replace it later. The reason for this is to allow room for swelling, so that nothing more serious happens. They couldn't tell us too much, as of now, we're just waiting for the swelling to go down.

We had something very good happen to him after surgery. He opened his eyes a bit and gave one of us two thumbs up! I saw the neurosurgeon outside his room and asked him about it. He asked, 'He did?'. I said, 'ya'. He said, 'that's highly unlikely'. Then quickly went into the room and asked Scott to raise his right hand...he did. Wiggle your right toes...he did. Raise your left hand...he did and wiggle your left toes...and he did! Even with heavy sedation (they want to keep him like this a few days to allow for the brain to calm down), he starts to stir when he hears our voices. Coby and Cora are here now and got to go see their daddy.

I know our family would appreciate every prayer, thought, good vibe, etc...our way. I will be posting as often as I can. Diane may post at a later date, as she feels up to it.



  1. Thank you Betsy for doing this! It has helped me a lot. Best wishes and prayers going Scotts and his familys way...

  2. Excellent summary of the situation Betsy. Thank you. To say I'm thinking about/praying for one of my oldest friends that I've had the good fortune of having is a gross understatement. I look forward to seeing him again, happy and healthy... which no doubt I will.

  3. Betsy-
    Thank you for keeping us updated on Scott's progress. I wish him the best and I know that he will pull through this no problem. Please let him know that I am thinking/praying for him. If there is anything I can do please let me know.

    Nate R.

  4. Thanks for keeping us updated. Let him and your family know we are sending lots of love and good thoughts.

  5. Thank you very much for the update. It is wonderful that you are doing this for everyone who knows and loves him. I think it will lift a big weight from Diane's shoulders. That is good news about him being able to give thumbs up and respond to the doctor so soon. We are praying for him and the rest of your family.
    Love Leah and Jay

  6. Hi to the Cruickshank Family! Paul & I are thinking of all of you in prayer & our thoughts...So sorry to hear this is happening to your grateful for you creating this blog so we can follow along on Scott's recovery...Miracles have happened & we will continue to pray for more miracles! Love, Paul & Chris Penhallegon

  7. Richard and Kris DuemanApril 9, 2010 at 10:10 PM

    Thanks Besty for what you are doing. Richard and I have Scott in our prayers. Love to all of you.
    Richard and Kris Dueman

  8. Thank you for all the information, Betsy! We are praying for Scott at our house. So amazing to hear the details of his post op. interactions! Definitely good signs! Please give hugs to your mom, Diane, and everyone.

    Christie and the Ottosen family

  9. Betsy I am so glad you started the blog. It is a great way to update us all. You know Scott is in my prayers and I hope you all know of all of our love and concern.
    Cousin Shari

  10. Betsy - We will definitely keep Scott and your family in our prayers. Hope he continues to amaze the drs. with his progress! Love to you all!

    Jen and family

  11. Betsy I had no idea! OMG! Scott, you, his kids and all his family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in their it sounds like that boy is a fighter! I will keep checking back to see how he is doing! Take care, stay positive and he will no doubt about it will get better!

  12. Although I have never met Scott, Diane is a favorite at the YMCA. Scott and family will be in my family's prayers and all the other YMCA members as well, I am sure.

  13. Scott, family, and all of the drs are in our prayers! This just brings me to tears, all of you please take care and know you have so many thinking and praying for you! ~Kristi Brisky

  14. Betsy, I just found this out the other day, and have been praying for all of you ever since I heard!! Our family will continue to pray for all of you!! Take Care! Kari Williams (Nickerson)
