Saturday, April 10, 2010

Evening update

So here's a quick update. No changes since the last CT scan. Coby and Cora brought him a Burger King crown and the nurse let them take a picture of him with it on his head (with a towel covering him by the way). They cover his head every time those little guys are in there so they don't have to see the drains coming out, the incision, staples, etc. They are in great spirits. They are confused but they also know that they are very much loved and we just keep telling them that 'daddy's going to be ok'. Coby even got a print out of his CT scan to take to show n' tell. We might even post a picture stay tuned.

I think I need to just say a couple things about his condition. Things are serious. The point of this blog is to try and stay positive and post positive things. But, I don't want to give too much false hope either. Scott's condition is very serious. Very. He has blood leaking under his eye, he looks like he's been beat up. The nurses say that he's going to start looking a lot worse before he looks better. When I say he wakes up, it's him opening his left eye a little bit for about 1-2 seconds. When you go in there, it's hard for everyone to see him. There's a ventilator helping him breath, there are about 20 wires connected to him, half his hair is shaved, his head is not round since part of his skull is missing. It's scary. We don't know how long he's going to be here. They don't even want to try taking the venitilator out for a couple days. We got to see his CT scan today and you can see the brain swelling outside of the skull.

I will say that no change in his condition is a good thing. His vitals are staying even. His blood pressure is good, his kidney function is good. They give him a sedative that makes him have partial amnesia, so he won't remember all these things that he is going through. There is great comfort in knowing that.

Please keep all your comments coming. It means the world to us just to have you say something and know that you care.


  1. Oh Betsy so sorry you are all having to go through this with Scott. You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Please give your mom a hug for me before she goes home. We love you and if you need anything let us know. I told you your mom we will come by the hospital on Monday. We will stay positive!!

  2. First thing we do in the morning is check on Scott, he's fighting for his life so it's fitting that he looks like a man who's gone a couple rounds. Keep up the good fight Scott, we're in your corner.
    Michelle and Glenn

  3. Thank you so much for all the updates. I know all of you must be emotionally drained. Scott and all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. Hi I am Jason Stroscheim's sister Lijah. Jason has told me about Scott and I wanted to let you know that Scott and his family are in my prayers. I live in Coeur d'Alene ID but if there is anything at all that I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. My e-mail is

  5. It's terrific the kids get to see him. Appreciate the reality check on his condition, and can't imagine seeing him like this. From afar, I do take comfort in the thought that every minute, and every hour, is one he takes back towards us.
    I check your blog very frequently, and thank you for it again Betsy.

  6. Thanks for this, Besty. We are all praying for you guys constantly. Our thoughts are with you and our hearts go out to you. Hang in there and know that your family is so loved.

  7. Scott and all his family are very much in our prayers. It is heartbreaking that any family would have to go thru this. Very impressed with everyone's attitudes and spirit. We will continue prayers and positive, loving thoughts. -Josh and Michael Geisler

  8. If there is anything that those in Wenatchee can do for Scott or his family, please feel free to email me at:

    Thank you,

    Arianna Cozart

  9. Thank you Betsy for being such a loving sister. Scott and Diane, coby and Cora... Much love to you... Rest to you... deep gratitude to the wonderful skilled hands helping your family. Unknown are the reasons, but obvious the love and support. Keep working at this Booger, many of us are sending you healing that we hope impacts your world right now. Many hugs and kisses to you Mamma Tara... I hope you feels some light in your heart. Keep the faith. Joy through loving...


  10. Thanks to all of you and your best wishes. It is so hard to watch him struggle with this fight for his life...wishing that I could kiss him better and put a bandaid on him, rock him and tell him that it will be ok..please continue your support for our family.

  11. I read this and my heart goes out to your family. I am from Wenatchee originally but I'm going to post this to my Facebook so you can get some prayers from Arizona as well.
